
Our Trading Policy

Here is a trading policy inspired by the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW):

Fairness and Justice (Adl)

  • Conduct business with fairness, justice, and equity (Quran 4:129)
  • Weigh and measure with accuracy (Quran 17:35)

Truthfulness and Transparency (Sidq)

  • Be truthful and transparent in all transactions (Quran 33:70)
  • Disclose all information and conceal nothing (Quran 2:283)

No Exploitation (Ghabn)

  • Do not cheat, deceive, or exploit others (Quran 26:183)
  • Do not take advantage of others’ ignorance or vulnerability (Quran 4:29)

No Usury (Riba)

  • Do not engage in usury or interest-based transactions (Quran 2:275-280)
  • Seek lawful and ethical profit (Quran 2:198)

Fulfill Contracts (Aqd)

  • Honor and fulfill all contracts and agreements (Quran 5:1)
  • Keep promises and commitments (Quran 17:34)

Compassion and Mercy (Rahma)

  • Show compassion and mercy to those in need (Quran 9:128)
  • Forgive and show leniency when possible (Quran 42:40)

By following these principles, we aim to conduct trading activities with integrity, ethics, and morality, inspired by the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

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